Q: Who do you work with, and who don’t you work with?

I work with adults of any age or gender. I don’t work with children or teens, anyone with an active eating disorder, or those residing outside of the United States.

Additionally, my services aren’t a good fit for people who are:

  • Looking for a quick fix

  • Expecting a pill or supplement to resolve all their symptoms

  • Resistant to trying new things

  • Interested primarily in losing weight

  • Are currently pregnant

That said, I strive to create an inclusive practice and believe a truly holistic vision of health and wellness not only recognizes and cultivates an individual’s capacity for growth and transformation, but also acknowledges the necessity of collective healing and liberation given the various systemic factors that impact our physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. You can read more about my mission and values here.

Some things I commonly help clients with include:

  • Help transitioning to a nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory diet

  • Guidance around figuring out what foods to eat (or avoid) in order to feel their best

  • Digestive issues like IBS, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gas, heartburn, and reflux

  • Period problems like irregular cycles, PCOS, painful periods, amenorrhea, fibroids, and endometriosis

  • Using nutrition to support a smooth transition off hormonal birth control, or into perimenopause/menopause

  • Fertility support prior to conception or fertility treatments

  • Using food and lifestyle to address metabolic issues, including blood sugar dysregulation, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol

  • Supporting their nervous system and their overall stress resilience

If we are not a good fit for working together, I will readily refer prospective or current clients elsewhere if I feel like you’d be better served with more specialized care or a different practitioner.

Q: Do you work with people outside of the United States?

Unfortunately, I don’t work with people who live outside of the U.S. at this time as I find that logistical issues have interfered with my ability to provide the best support possible to clients overseas.

Q: Will I have to give up my favorite foods? / Will I still be able to eat delicious food?

 You are always in the driver’s seat when it comes to making decisions about your health and your food. My job is to provide you with information and support. Any dietary recommendations are based on your goals and needs, and provided with your consent.

Furthermore, food should taste good, even nutritious food! I fully recognize and honor the fact that for many of us, food is about more than just physical nourishment—it’s also about more intangible aspects of life, like pleasure, connection, tradition, and culture. 

In my clinical experience, sometimes removing foods can be useful and sometimes it can be harmful depending on the context. And while I do sometimes recommend therapeutic diets to clients if that’s appropriate and they’re open to it, ideally such interventions are only used short-term, with the eventual goal of getting to a point of being able to eat the most diverse and nourishing diet possible.

Q: Do you take insurance?

No, I’m unable to accept insurance. In some cases, it may be possible to use FSA or HSA funds, but check with your health plan administrator.

Q: Do you offer lab testing?

Yes, I offer comprehensive functional lab testing at cost to my clients when appropriate, and I often find it can be incredibly valuable clinically. Testing options include stool testing for GI imbalances and the gut microbiome, food sensitivity testing, blood chemistry, and hormone tests. Any recommendations for lab testing are tailored to each client’s needs and budget.

In general, the cost for these lab tests ranges from $300 - $400 each. If a client is a good candidate for lab testing and their budget allows for it, I might suggest specific tests so that we can gather data to help provide even more specifically targeted support.

If functional lab testing is of interest, I’m happy to explain various options that might be appropriate for you at our first appointment.

Q: Do you provide meal plans?

No. I consider them a separate service from nutrition counseling because creating custom meal plans and grocery lists by hand is really time-consuming, which means it's a service that can get pricey fast. But if meal plans are your jam, there are services and templates online that I can point you to. 

Here’s what I do provide:

  • Education around how to fuel yourself properly

  • Guidance around food sensitivities or food intolerances

  • Support finding nourishing foods that you like and that are easy to access or prepare

  • Help coming up with specific options for meals and snacks

  • Strategies for any challenges when it comes to feeding yourself

  • Ideas for foods emphasize or introduce into your diet

  • Guidance on how to tune into your body’s needs so you can take the guesswork out of what to eat on a day-to-day basis

When it comes to food, one of my general goals as a practitioner is to help you reach a place where you feel connected to your body and confident in your ability to nourish yourself so that you don’t need to rely on things like fad diets or internet advice or meal plans (or me for that matter!) to tell you what to eat.

Q: Can you help me lose weight?

No, that’s not an area of focus in my work. If weight loss is an important goal to you, my services will not be a good fit.

My work with clients is focused on improving health, and I have found that sometimes pursuing weight loss simultaneously can be at odds with that goal. Instead, I emphasize creating strong foundations for the long-term health and wellbeing of my clients, and identifying and addressing any root causes directly or indirectly contributing to things like inflammation, metabolic issues, digestive dysfunction, and the like.

Q: Will I need to take supplements?

I often strongly suggest specific practitioner-grade, high-quality supplements in order to help my clients get the best results possible, especially in cases where we’ve identified areas of imbalance or deficiency, or when we’ve utilized functional lab testing. However, a nutrient-dense, microbiome-supportive diet is the real foundation of our work.

Keep in mind that many supplements are meant to be used therapeutically for short periods only, and often it isn’t necessary to take a supplement forever. I offer the option to purchase supplements directly through my online dispensary for convenience, quality assurance, and cost effectiveness, but supplement recommendations are always made with the sole intention of supporting your health.